Setting up Google reCAPTCHA

To generate your site and secret keys please visit the Google reCAPTCHA site and click the blue "Get reCAPTCHA" button to login to the website using your Google account. Once logged in you will be redirected to a page where you can register your site.

Register a new site

On this form, you'll need to enter the name of your website in the label field. This is for your own use so that you can identify the website if you ever need to get the keys again.

Next, you'll have the option to select the reCAPTCHA V2. Selecting a reCAPTCHA type will display two additional fields to complete: Domains and a checkbox for a terms of service agreement.

When you've completed this form, go ahead and click on the Register button.

After registering, you should see a page with the keys for your website.

Updated 5 years ago