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n this Quick Tips, I demonstrate the use of Solid To Liquid Tool, showing how it can be employed using different parameters.

Solid To Liquid Version 1.5 Quick-tip

Solid To Liquid Tool

Allow you to easily create a transitioning effect of solid to liquid form and few other functionality.

  • Choose between three different shape modes which include text, preset, or custom.
  • Two different transitioning modes allowing you to set step or melt for the transition effect.
  • The “Auto Animate” option that creates animation without the use of any keyframes at all.

The Solid To Liquid Tool can also be used to create a demolition or destructive effect as well, using the same physics as the liquid effect.


The Requirements

CINEMA 4D R12, R13, R14, R15, R16, R17, R18, R19 & R20 (Studio version).
How to check your version?

NOTE: MoGraph module and Sub-polygon displacement Required, show the list of all modules used.
Here the comparison chart : https://www.maxon.net/en/products/infosites/product-comparison/

What’s Included?

Changelog & Update History

Version 1.5.6 July 23, 2021
* Fixed Cinema 4D S22, S23 & S24 Compatibility.
* New New product licensing and installer system.
Version 1.5.5 December 22, 2019
* Fixed Cinema 4D R21 Compatibility
Version 1.5.4 May 13, 2019
* Improvement The Mini Studio
* Improvement Optimization of our Licensing system (The Products Authorize and Update system)
Version 1.5.3 September 26, 2018
* Fixed Cinema 4D R20 Compatibility
Version 1.5.2  (Upgrade)February 10, 2017
* New New product installer, to quickly and easily update your product.
* Fixed Bug fixed in the "Geometry Mode"
* Improvement Some improvements in the "Mini Studio"
* Many improvements and bug fixes in the Computer authorization system,
for a better optimization.
Version 1.5.1 October 26, 2016
* Fixed Cinema 4D R18 Compatibility
* Added Henceforth you can run Solid To Liquid from the menu Plugins.
Path : Menu Plugins > MF3DP > Solid To Liquid
* Added Reset All Button (Reset all settings to their default values).
* Fixed Geometry mode - Auto disable mettaball and bubble Button in Normal mode.
* Included Geometry mode - Added Bigman 02 object as default geometry.
* Improvement Geometry mode - To use your own geometry, just drop your object under the Connect object [Your Geometry Here!] in the Object Manager.
* Fixed Bug fixed in transition helper.
* Added Computer authorization system.
If you have a licence One Computer you can't use Solid To Liquid on more than one computer. So, you need to buy more license to be able to use this product on more then one computer.

We included a new menu "Check for Update", also an Auto-check for product updates, if there is new update you will be notified imediately.
* Improvement Many other improvements and bug fixes.
Version 1.5.0  (Upgrade)January 27, 2015
  New Feature Geometry Integration
* Improvement added new option in Metaball & Bubble options "Volume distribution"
* Fixed Bug henceforth the "Multicolors" option work properly ( in Bubble options )

Join the discussion 39 Comments

  • Jogon says:

    Great job et très bon plug-in!
    Est-il possible d’utiliser d’autres formes qui ne sont pas exclusivement des splines ou des groupes splines, tels que les bords des objets?
    Merci d’avance

    • Merci!
      J’ai l’intention d’améliorer encore plus cette outil, pour supporté la géométrie par exemple.
      Mais pour l’instant il ne supporte que les splines en “custom shape Mode”.

  • Bill Busse says:

    Hi Mustapha,

    I bought the solid to liquid tool and I really love it. I’d like to use it with sweep and loft nurbs though. Will these be included in a future release (hopefully soon)? Of course being able to use it with regular geometry would be awesome as well 🙂 Also, is it possible to change the shape of the falloff?


    • Hi Bill,
      Thanks for the feedback. I noted these various points, I do my best to make this tool even better.
      In the first update i work on geometry integration, and after that I review your other proposals.

  • Ty Emery says:

    This looks like a really great plugin but I am reluctant to buy as I’m not 100% sure it’s what I’m looking for… Can this not be used with regular geometry? Can the plugin only be used with text?

  • Ty Emery says:

    That’s good to hear Mustapha, thanks for the reply!

  • Bill Busse says:

    Wow!!!! The geometry integration looks absolutely amazing! Can’t wait for the upgrade!

  • papatd says:

    Hello Mustapha,
    tout d’abord bravo pour ces précieux outils qui vont simplifier la tâche de nombreux utilisateurs de c4d (dont moi-même).
    Je viens d’acheter et d’installer solid to liquid tool et je rencontre un problème, je n’arrive pas a faire fonctionner le multicolor. C’est une des fonctions qui a motivé mon achat, imagine mon désarroi 😉
    Plus sérieusement, aurais-tu une solution à me donner, j’ai peut-être oublié une manip…
    Merci encore et j’espère a très vite

    • Désolé pour ça!
      Je viens de voir ça, effectivement le multicolors ne fonctionne pas.
      problème résolu, demain j’envoie une nouvelle mise à jour à tous les clients!
      bien a vous

  • papatd says:

    Merci beaucoup pour la rapidité avec laquelle tu as reglé ça ! J’ai passé la nuit dernière et une bonne partie de la journée a m’amuser avec les paramètres, c’est vraiment un super outil ! Le mode custom fonctionne très bien avec des tracés illustrator, vivement la mise à jour qui supportera la géometrie 🙂
    Encore bravo Mustapha !

  • fanxiaojun says:

    I have bought the 1 version, now how can I free upgrade to version 1.5

  • Thomas says:

    Hi Mustapha,

    first i must say that your plugins are really great.
    I watched some videos and now i´m very impressed.

    But now i want to try some plugins by myself and try to download some trial versions and can´t
    find anything. Where i can download the trial versions?

    Thank you very much


    • Hi Thomas,

      Thank you for your interest in our products.
      I regret to say that there are not have a trial version for our tools, because he has no way to make trial viersion.


  • Thomas says:

    Hello Mustapha,

    thank you very much for your reply.
    It is a pity that there is no trial version.

    But it sounds really weird for me that a Developer can program “plugins” but no trial versions.
    Any Developer can “implement” a trial function. Or my thoughts false?

    How can you explain it? This is really weird.

    Thank you very much

    Kind regards


    • Hello Thomas,

      I liked to provide a trial version, but in this category of plugins there is no trial version because there is no reliable way to protect the product, take look for example on “greyscalegorilla” products there is no trial version.



  • Thomas says:

    Hello Mustapha,

    thanks again for your fast reply and thank you very much for your time & assistance.

    Don´t get wrong with my view but i have some questions again and thoughts about your reply:

    I think there are enough good protection systems you can use. You can also implement your own system!
    Of course every protection system will be bypassed or destroyed if someone is smart enough.
    But extreme protection isn´t the point. You must not protect a trial version if you can develope a “small” version with restrictions. Some Developers can provide a “restricted” trial version. And it doesn´t really matter if the software has a extreme or weak protection. You know? Just a trial time restriction or a version with “function restrictions”. You know this? It is just a suggestion and my view.

    Sorry, but the argument, at greyscalegorilla also no trial versions available, isn´t really a argument.
    Do you jump the Hivemind?

    Well these are my thoughts and suggestions. Your products are good and i will buy it because the products aren´t very expensive. I never would support Greyscalegorilla or other companies which doesn´t provide trial versions. I mean “expensive” plugins. Your plugins are okay and the price for all are also okay.

    I respect you and your work. It is a pity that you can´t provide some trial versions, but 50,00 € for all plugins are okay. It is a fair price. I like to support “small” companies or private people like you.

    Don´t get wrong with my criticism and my view. It is just my view and my thoughts.


    Kind regards


  • jasonjames says:

    Geometry option not working for me. I need this for work. Does this work for R17? Please help

  • Jie Kinoshita says:

    Where can I find Bigman02.tga file?

  • Jie Kinoshita says:

    Why SolidToLiquidTool_V1.5 is not work?

    • Hi again,
      To better understand, please give me more details about this problem.
      for example: your operating system (if windows, tell me the version) also your Cinema 4D Version
      if you get an error message, please send me a screenshots.

  • Jason Schwarz says:

    Geometry not working here either. No error messages.
    – No cutting is happening to geometric object.
    – Falloff Helper does not appear.
    – Fade transition seems to always be on, even if you switch to “Dynamic” mode.
    – Meatballs are being generated even though they are disabled.
    – Also, No cutting is happening to text when birth mode is ticked.
    – Text does not change when you put new text in text field.

    A lot of things seem not to work.
    It seems that XPresso is not executing properly.
    Not sure what’s happening here.


    Tested in:
    C4D Studio R17.053
    C4D Studio R18.020

    Any advice?

    Mac OS X 10.11.6
    2 x 2.66 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
    56 GB RAM
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 6GB

  • Benjamin says:

    Bonjour Mustapha, j’ai installé le plug-in mais il y a des bugs. Dans mes objets il y a par exemple des + sur des calques mais rien dedans (quand je l’ouvre il s’efface) et je n’ai pas les calques avec les objets (S). Merci si vous pouvez m’aider.

  • S says:

    Any chance of using it with R20 or R21?

    I got a tons of errors

    • Hi,
      Solid To Liquid is updated to work with R20 and R21.
      The new version is available from the Customer Area.

    • S says:

      Does you plugin only allow to break objects using the transition or it can also be used to break objects when colliding with other? I need a chocolate tablet to be broken by a rotating blade.

      Furthermore, for liquids, is only possibile to go from solid to liquid or also from solid to little pieces and those little pieces later to liquid?


    • Hi,
      All the plugin options are detailed in the two demo video. Just re-watch the videos and I think this will allow you to see if it possible to do what you want or not.
      Sorry, I am very busy at the moment and I haven’t time to make tests. So I cant answer your question with certainty without making any test.

  • Andi says:

    Quand je click sur activate comme montré sur la vidéo, il ne se passe strictement rien (C4D R 21/23 Mac OSX catalina), je ne peux donc pas utiliser le plugin que j’ai acheté. J’ai downloads la dernière version de votre support page. Je vois les objets du plugin et la scène mais je ne peux pas activer. Que faut il faire?

  • Andi says:

    Merci beaucoup, celà fonctionne correctement sur R21. Je serais super reconnaissant pougnome@r un upgrade r23:-) Merci encore pour le support ultra efficace! Ce plugin est excellent!

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