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SOLID TO LIQUID: V1.5 New Features!

By Blog 11 Comments

Here is our new demo reel for Solid To Liquid Tool featuring new effects and animations made with the latest version v1.5. This is our biggest update to Solid To Liquid ever.

Geometry Integration

With this new feature you can use geometric objects such as ( sculptures, reliefs, character…). also offers you multiples parameters to easily control your animation. You no longer need keyframes to build out your animation, all transition parameters are automated. then you will be able to make adjustments that much quicker on a tight deadline.

You can choose between two modes in this new feature
  1. Normal mode: contrary to the “dynamic mode” this mode does not support “Bubble and Metaball object”,
    but it contain a few more new options.
    In this mode you have two types of transition (Linear & Fading).
  2. Dynamic mode: employs the same principle as “Text, Presets & Custom modes”.
    As its name suggests, it supports dynamic objects.

Normal Mode

Dynamic Mode

stl_culpture_small stl_horse_small


Version 1.5.6 July 23, 2021
* Fixed Cinema 4D S22, S23 & S24 Compatibility.
* New New product licensing and installer system.
Version 1.5.5 December 22, 2019
* Fixed Cinema 4D R21 Compatibility
Version 1.5.4 May 13, 2019
* Improvement The Mini Studio
* Improvement Optimization of our Licensing system (The Products Authorize and Update system)
Version 1.5.3 September 26, 2018
* Fixed Cinema 4D R20 Compatibility
Version 1.5.2  (Upgrade)February 10, 2017
* New New product installer, to quickly and easily update your product.
* Fixed Bug fixed in the "Geometry Mode"
* Improvement Some improvements in the "Mini Studio"
* Many improvements and bug fixes in the Computer authorization system,
for a better optimization.
Version 1.5.1 October 26, 2016
* Fixed Cinema 4D R18 Compatibility
* Added Henceforth you can run Solid To Liquid from the menu Plugins.
Path : Menu Plugins > MF3DP > Solid To Liquid
* Added Reset All Button (Reset all settings to their default values).
* Fixed Geometry mode - Auto disable mettaball and bubble Button in Normal mode.
* Included Geometry mode - Added Bigman 02 object as default geometry.
* Improvement Geometry mode - To use your own geometry, just drop your object under the Connect object [Your Geometry Here!] in the Object Manager.
* Fixed Bug fixed in transition helper.
* Added Computer authorization system.
If you have a licence One Computer you can't use Solid To Liquid on more than one computer. So, you need to buy more license to be able to use this product on more then one computer.

We included a new menu "Check for Update", also an Auto-check for product updates, if there is new update you will be notified imediately.
* Improvement Many other improvements and bug fixes.
Version 1.5.0  (Upgrade)January 27, 2015
  New Feature Geometry Integration
* Improvement added new option in Metaball & Bubble options "Volume distribution"
* Fixed Bug henceforth the "Multicolors" option work properly ( in Bubble options )

Solid To Liquid Tool – For CINEMA 4D

By Tutorial 39 Comments

n this Quick Tips, I demonstrate the use of Solid To Liquid Tool, showing how it can be employed using different parameters.

Solid To Liquid Version 1.5 Quick-tip

Solid To Liquid Tool

Allow you to easily create a transitioning effect of solid to liquid form and few other functionality.

  • Choose between three different shape modes which include text, preset, or custom.
  • Two different transitioning modes allowing you to set step or melt for the transition effect.
  • The “Auto Animate” option that creates animation without the use of any keyframes at all.

The Solid To Liquid Tool can also be used to create a demolition or destructive effect as well, using the same physics as the liquid effect.


The Requirements

CINEMA 4D R12, R13, R14, R15, R16, R17, R18, R19 & R20 (Studio version).
How to check your version?

NOTE: MoGraph module and Sub-polygon displacement Required, show the list of all modules used.
Here the comparison chart : https://www.maxon.net/en/products/infosites/product-comparison/

What’s Included?

Changelog & Update History

Version 1.5.6 July 23, 2021
* Fixed Cinema 4D S22, S23 & S24 Compatibility.
* New New product licensing and installer system.
Version 1.5.5 December 22, 2019
* Fixed Cinema 4D R21 Compatibility
Version 1.5.4 May 13, 2019
* Improvement The Mini Studio
* Improvement Optimization of our Licensing system (The Products Authorize and Update system)
Version 1.5.3 September 26, 2018
* Fixed Cinema 4D R20 Compatibility
Version 1.5.2  (Upgrade)February 10, 2017
* New New product installer, to quickly and easily update your product.
* Fixed Bug fixed in the "Geometry Mode"
* Improvement Some improvements in the "Mini Studio"
* Many improvements and bug fixes in the Computer authorization system,
for a better optimization.
Version 1.5.1 October 26, 2016
* Fixed Cinema 4D R18 Compatibility
* Added Henceforth you can run Solid To Liquid from the menu Plugins.
Path : Menu Plugins > MF3DP > Solid To Liquid
* Added Reset All Button (Reset all settings to their default values).
* Fixed Geometry mode - Auto disable mettaball and bubble Button in Normal mode.
* Included Geometry mode - Added Bigman 02 object as default geometry.
* Improvement Geometry mode - To use your own geometry, just drop your object under the Connect object [Your Geometry Here!] in the Object Manager.
* Fixed Bug fixed in transition helper.
* Added Computer authorization system.
If you have a licence One Computer you can't use Solid To Liquid on more than one computer. So, you need to buy more license to be able to use this product on more then one computer.

We included a new menu "Check for Update", also an Auto-check for product updates, if there is new update you will be notified imediately.
* Improvement Many other improvements and bug fixes.
Version 1.5.0  (Upgrade)January 27, 2015
  New Feature Geometry Integration
* Improvement added new option in Metaball & Bubble options "Volume distribution"
* Fixed Bug henceforth the "Multicolors" option work properly ( in Bubble options )

Volumetric Wireframe GENERATOR Tool For C4D

By Tutorial 21 Comments

This quick tip covers the Volumetric Wireframe Generator, a tool that helps you to easily create a volumetric wireframe in Cinema 4D. Also I demonstrates the use of this tool, showing how it can be employed using a few different techniques and objects.

Volumetric Wireframe GENERATOR

Allows you to create a volumetric wire-frames from selected objects, and control things like wire and object color, wire thickness and a few other handy attributes.

The Requirements.

Tested in CINEMA 4D R12, R13, R14, R15 & R16.
NOTE: MoGraph module Required. Visit this page to check if this module is included in your version of CINEMA 4D

What’s Included?

MORPH Preset, Studio, Volumetric Wireframe GENERATOR Tool.

environment studio vwg_icon

Volume Pixel GENERATOR Tools For Cinema 4D

By Tutorial 31 Comments

In this Quick Tip, I demonstrate the use of Volume Pixel GENERATOR Tools, showing how it can be employed using different parameters and how to use the different presets Included.

Volume Pixel GENERATOR Tools

Contains a large palette of tools for CINEMA 4D. These tools allow you to convert any image or video and text to volume pixel, and also they help you to generate mosaic image and generate “matrix” text effect.

All those tools can support dynamic body, as well as effectors and forces. They offer many possibilities to animate your scene.

  1. Volume Pixel Generator: Quicker and easier this tool allows you to generate volume pixel from an image or video.
  2. Image Mosaic Generator: This tool enables you to create amazing mosaics from your digital pictures in a very easy way.
  3. Texel Generator: Converts a text to volume pixel.
  4. Matrix text Effect Generator: Convert quickly an image or video to matrix text effect or any text effect using customizable text characters.

The Requirements.
Compatible with Cinema 4D R18 and later.

What’s Included?
6 presets are included with these tools : Cam Switch, Circle Wipe, Force Object, Liniaire Wipe, Sound Effector, Spline Effector



Changelog & Update History

Version 2.0.0 September 01, 2021
* UPGRADE Compatibility with Cinema 4D R21, R22, R23 & R24 and many improvements
Version 1.1.8 January 28, 2020
* Fixed Cinema 4D R21 Compatibility
Version 1.1.7 July 22, 2019
* Fixed Cinema 4D R20 Compatibility
* Improvement Texel GENERATOR Optimized
Version 1.1.6 May 13, 2019
* Added Mini Studio
* Improvement Optimization of our Licensing system (The Products Authorize and Update system)
Version 1.1.5 February 10, 2017
* New New product installer, to quickly and easily update your product.
* Improvement Added new option "Default Camera"
* Many improvements and bug fixes in the Computer authorization system,
for a better optimization.
Version 1.1.0 November 03, 2016
* Fixed Cinema 4D R18 Compatibility
* Added Henceforth you can run Volume Pixel GENERATOR, Texel, Mosaic, Matrix and all the associated presets from the menu Plugins.
Path : Menu Plugins > MF3DP > Volume Pixel GENERATOR Screenshot
* Improvement
Volume Pixel GEN
Mosaic GEN
Matrix Text Art
New menu "File" (to make the interface more ergonomic, we have separate the "File" option from "Basic Options" menu to a new menu.) Screenshot
* Added
Volume Pixel GEN
Mosaic GEN
Matrix Text Art
Unlock Ratio new option added When you decrease the ratio value to a lower value (value less than 2, for example), you risk to crash Cinema 4D! depending on the performance of your computer.
So, for this reason that we have added this new option. Screenshot
* Added
Volume Pixel GEN
Mosaic GEN
Matrix Text Art
Texel GEN
Presets Effectors & Presets Forces features. These two new features, allow you to easily add all effectors or forces from preset, with one simple "drag & drop". Screenshot
* Added
Matrix Text Effect
Show Used Image option (To show the used image in the Viewport as a preview)
* Improvement
Texel Generator
Auto adjust width & height Screenshot
* Added Computer authorization system.
If you have a licence One Computer you can't use Solid To Liquid on more than one computer. So, you need to buy more license to be able to use this product on more then one computer. Screenshot

We included a new menu "Check for Update", also an Auto-check for product updates, if there is new update you will be notified imediately. Screenshot
* Added Reset All Button (Reset all settings to their default values)
* Improvement Interface improvement to make it more ergonomic.
* Improvement Many other improvements and bug fixes.

C4D Title “Aircraft Theme” Breakdown

By 3D & VFX One Comment

I create and animate this title in cinema 4d using MoText, then I made it editable. I use After Effects to composite image sequences rendered from C4D.


  • Matte Painting & Texture images prepared in Photoshop
  • Trapcode Particular & Mojo for Color Correction
  • Footage – Action Movie Essentials – Video Copilot


Compositing is the combining of visual elements from separate sources into single images, often to create the illusion that all those elements are parts of the same scene. Live-action shooting for compositing is variously called “chroma key”, “blue screen”, “green screen” and other names. Today, most, though not all, compositing is achieved through digital image manipulation. Pre-digital compositing techniques, however, go back as far as the trick films of Georges Méliès in the late 19th century; and some are still in use. (wikipedia)

After Effects

Adobe After Effects is a motion graphics application that allows users to animate, alter, and composite media and add effects both in 2D and 3D environments.

Project Files
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